our team

Poslavska Olexandra

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences 

PhD thesis: "Squamous cell carcinomas of oropharynx: features of immunophenotype and invasion", graduated in 2012

ScD thesis: "Diagnosis of anaplastic tumors and tumors without established primary localization: immunomorphological aspects", graduated in 2021

Head of the Department


Shponka Igor

Honoured worker of science and technique of Ukraine

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences 

PhD thesis: "Human cardiac haemomicrovasculature in pre- and early postnatal ontogenesis", graduated in 1991 

ScD thesis: "Structural and functional histogenetic processes in mammalian myocardium at early stage of ontogenesis", graduated in 1996 

Professor of Department


Kozlov Sergyi

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences  

PhD thesis: "Topography and anatomical features of uterine arteries and sheer anastomoses in late pre- and postnatal ontogenesis", graduated in 2003  

ScD thesis: "The structure-functional inhomogeneity of the heart during the ontogenesis", graduated in 2011

Professor of Department 

Dean of II Medical Faculty 


Alieksieienko Oleksandr

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy

PhD thesis: "The pathomorphological changes of respiratory system and surfactant system of lungs in individuals with hepatic insuffiency", graduated in 2003

Deputy Dean of Medical Faculty

Associate Professor


Korolenko Hanna

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy

PhD thesis: "Condition of thyroid innervation in the development and the growth of malignant tumours at the experiment"

Assistant professor

Responsible for students' training for Ukrainian lycense exam "Krok-1" 


Maltsev Igor

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy

PhD thesis: «Stromal differentiation in osteoblastoclastomas»

Assistant professor


Chekan Sergii

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy

PhD thesis: "Cancer pathomorphosis and surrounding gastric tissues at hypoxiradiotherapy", graduated in 1990  

Assistant professor

Responsible for clinical work


Suloyev Kostiantyn

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy

PhD thesis: "Forensic medical evaluation of cardiac regional limphatical nodes changes after coronary death at alcohol intoxication", graduated in 2003 


Grytsenko Petro

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy 

PhD thesis: "Diagnostics and prognosis of laryngeal squamous-cell carcinomas: immunomorphological features", graduated in 2007 

Responsible for residents


Bondarenko Olexander

Doctor of Philosophy

PhD thesis: "Diagnostics and prognosis of the thyroid malignant tumors: immunomorphological features", graduated in 2011 

Associate professor 

Responsible for foreign students study


Bondarenko Nina

Doctor of Philosophy

PhD thesis: "Ontogenetic reorganizations of intercellular interactions of cardiomyocytes in the rat myocardium in norm and chronic prenatal hypoxic injury", graduated in 2015

Associate professor

Head of the Young Scientists Council of DSMU 

Member of the Ukrainian Society of Pathologists (since 2018)

Member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO, since 2024)

Member of the European Society of Pathology (ESP, since 2024)

Member of the European Microscopy Society (EMS, since 2024)


Scopus Author ID: 57203944878

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3933-7535 

ResearcherID: R-2036-2018

Google Scholar



Alexin Gennady

Doctor of Philosophy 

PhD thesis: "Forensic medical establishment of prescription of the death according to dynamics of dissociation of ascorbic acid in the bone tissue of the corpses", graduated in 1995

Assistant professor

Responsible for the Medical Faculty I web-site 


Shynkarenko Tymofii

Doctor of Philosophy 

PhD thesis: "Pathological characteristics and diagnostic optimization of glial brain tumors: immunohistochemical aspects", graduated in 2018

Associate professor 

Responsible for the educational work of the department


Savchenko Oksana

Doctor of Philosophy 

PhD thesis: «Diagnostic and prognostic criteria for verification of epithelial ovarian tumours», graduated in 2020

Assistant professor


Usova Olha

PhD thesis: «Pathohistological and immunomorphological features of the olfactory system peripheral subdivision state in patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19)»

Assistant professor

Secretary of departmental meetings


Savchenko Polina

Planned PhD thesis: "Morphological diagnosis of endometrial precancerous processes and tumors"

Postgraduate student

Islamova Svitlana

Senior Technician

Master of Biological Sciences 

Nezivaya Victiria


Huz' Valentyna

Senior Technician